Soo’s Garden 2023 Autumn/Winter Newsletter

Soo’s Garden 2023 Autumn/Winter Newsletter

The rain statistics for this growing season read like a different continent with over 900mm from September to April and a cyclone that wreaked havoc throughout the Hawke’s Bay and surrounding regions. Harvest for many growers was compromised and for others the outcomes were far more serious. We were fortunate, with flood waters within 150m of our home and garden leavings us stuck for 5 days without power and limited mobility but with no lasting damage. It was heartening to see our community step up and support each other with food and resources – a reminder that we are stronger together than on our own.

The cyclone recovery was followed by stunning Autumn weather which ensured a wonderful aromatic harvest of hops, lavender, thyme and rosemary. Our vege garden also responded positively and has filled our winter stores with beetroot, yams, chillies, ginger and turmeric to name a few. Markets continue as perennials hunker down for Winter and await the call to begin again in Spring.

I wish a speedy recovery to those who have faced setbacks and a safe and comfortable Winter to all.


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